When you shop for fine cigars and accessories at JR Cigars, it's important to be aware of their return policy to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience in case something doesn't meet your expectations. JR Cigars has outlined clear guidelines to help customers understand how returns and refunds are handled, and this article aims to break down the essentials of the JR Cigars return policy for your convenience.

What Is The Return And Refund Policy For JR Cigars?

All returns to JR Cigars must be initiated by mail within 30 days of the purchase date. For cigar boxes, bundles, and tins, pre-authorization is required by emailing [email protected]. Unopened items with visible damages reported within 72 hours of delivery are eligible for a full refund minus shipping charges. Opened items missing more than one cigar or used items are generally not eligible for a full refund.

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Does JR Cigars Offer Exchanges?

JR Cigars does not explicitly mention exchanges in their return policy. However, they do provide refunds for eligible returns, which then could be used to purchase a new item. Always contact their customer service for specific situations regarding exchanges.

man opening packs of cigare...

How Long Does It Take To Get Refund From JR Cigars?

The time frame for receiving a refund from JR Cigars is not clearly specified in their policy. However, once the return is received and processed, it is typical for refunds to be issued promptly. Keep an eye on correspondence from JR Cigars for updates regarding your specific case.

jr cigar store front

How Can You Return An Item To JR Cigars?

To return an item, first secure pre-authorization via email. Then, use the Returns Portal link provided by JR Cigars to initiate the return process. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure your item is returned correctly.

How Do I Cancel My JR Cigars Subscription?

If you're a JR Plus member, you can cancel within 14 days of signing up for a full refund, provided you haven't used the service. After the initial period or upon using the service, the membership is nonrefundable.

Can You Return Used Items To JR Cigars?

No, JR Cigars does not accept returns on cigars that have been cut or smoked, or any other used items.

Can You Return A JR Cigars Item Without The Original Box Or Package?

Items should be returned in their original packaging when possible. If you're missing the original packaging, contact customer service to determine if there's a solution.

Can I Return A Gift To JR Cigars?

If you've received a gift from JR Cigars that meets the return criteria, you can return it following the same process as any other item. Remember that promotional items must also be returned to avoid a restocking fee.

How To Contact JR Cigars?

You can reach out to JR Cigars for any return-related queries or assistance at [email protected] or call (800) 574-3576. Their customer service team is available Monday through Friday, 8am to 10pm EST, and Saturday to Sunday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.


In sum, the JR Cigars return policy is designed to be fair and straightforward, providing peace of mind when you shop with them. Remember to initiate returns within the 30-day window, get pre-authorization for your returns, and report any damages quickly to ensure a smooth refund process. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your shopping experience at JR Cigars, knowing you're supported by a customer-friendly return policy.